Driving innovation


Discover innovation

Unlock the hidden potential within your team, business unit, or organisation. I facilitate workshops and lead projects that help you identify and explore opportunities for disruptive and sustaining innovation, empowering you to stay ahead of the curve. By tapping into the collective creativity and expertise of your team, we'll uncover growth levers that drive measurable revenue and bottom-line impact.

Prioritise innovation

Make informed decisions about where to invest next and how to allocate innovation resources. I help executives and teams to measure the impact of new or existing innovation initiatives, assisting you in prioritising projects based on their expected ROI. With my expertise, you'll be able to make innovation investment decisions that align with your business goals and objectives.

Implement innovation

Transform your organisation and delight customers with innovative solutions that drive real results. I lead innovation projects, support executives in creating and fostering an intrapreneurial culture or reorganising for success, and design change management and communication strategies. In short, I help you overcome obstacles on your innovation journey and ensure a smooth transition to a more innovative and agile organisation.

Evaluate innovation

Measure the success of your innovation initiatives and make data-driven decisions. I support marketing teams and GTM professionals in designing, conducting, and analysing growth experiments that inform product or service innovation and evaluate the effectiveness of your innovation efforts, identify areas for improvement, and help refining your strategy for continued success.


Get a glimpse of what it's like to work with me.

“Profound business expertise and experience. I would rank him in the top 5% of all consultants I have worked with in the past five years.”

Dr. Alexander Mai

Head of Innovation (Financial Institution), formerly PwC

“Extraordinarily committed and delivered work performances well above the average. Perfectly met our expectations in any regard.”

Markus Franz

Member of the Board (Financial Institution)

“Committed to achieving the organisational objectives, going over and beyond what is expected from him to achieve results.”

Dr. Annette Kersch

Management Consultant, formerly McKinsey & Allianz Group

“Convinced us with his very good achievements (...) His consulting competence and intercultural skills are outstanding.”

Christian Grajek

Regional Coordinator (Global Development Organisation)